Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Countdown to vacation *Updated*

As a friend said, I can't count today because I'm already at work, so it is now two work days until vacation. But all good things come at a price.

Two weeks ago today I gave a project to my supervisor for review. I've gently reminded him a number of times over this time of the deadlines, and the need to get signatures from the president and the vice president for Finance.

As of now, 8:54 a.m. Wednesday, he has not taken the time to review them.

I've called the offices of both signatories, to find out when they will be in. I know our president goes to Florida for the holidays; he is, in fact, only in the office through this Friday. Both gentlemen have free time tomorrow - assuming my boss ever gives the paperwork back to me.

Complicating things is the weather forecast - we may have twelve inches of snow fall between rush hour Thursday night and mid-morning Friday, with up to nine inches in the overnight hours. If that is the case, there is a very good chance we will be shut down on Friday.

Yay for the early start to my vacation, boo for the possibility of having one less day for a safety net.

There is nothing I can do; more nagging will only be an annoyance. Ditto standing over him until he finishes. You have no idea how much I hate working at the last minute like this, particularly when it is through no fault of my own, but another's skewed sense of what constitutes a priority.

In the meantime, I'm furiously finishing up everything else I can, just in case we aren't in on Friday. When I walk out on Thursday I'd like my desk to be vacation ready, in case of a snow day on Friday.

Why is it always so much extra work to prepare to take some time off? And where are the work elves when you need them?

Update: Well, D finally did go through the returns. No big questions, a couple of small changes and we are good to go.

Note to the State of Wisconsin Department of Regulation & Licensing: two words - fill-in forms. While I did take typing in high school, typing numbers in a form is no fun when you want everything lined up nicely, but don't want to change the tab stops on the machine (I use it once a year; AP uses it several times a week to type out-of-regular-check-run checks and the machine is set for them).

Get signatures tomorrow, run copies and FedEx out, and I'm all set in case we have a snow day Friday. Hurrah!

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