Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bonus day

A little bird told me she was in a meeting with a big bird this afternoon, who said it would not be difficult to close down for tomorrow if the snow is as bad as predicted, as the students are not in residence, and the academic side of the house is mostly out anyway. This big bird should know; he will help make the decision.

Since the current forecast includes the phrase "eight to twelve inches of snow total" I'm fairly certain we will indeed be closed tomorrow.

That would mean my vacation began tonight - bonus day!

Half our office was preparing for a snow day. I've been working on cleaning up everything anyway, as I'll be gone for the next two weeks (a whopping five work days); after the forms were signed, sealed into the FedEx envelope and delivered to the person who would call for a pick up I was done with all essential tasks. Payroll, however, is stuck in a bad spot - they may end up coming in Saturday to make up the time and get the checks out on time.

Even if it does turn out to be a tempest in a teapot, meaning I do need to work, it won't be a big deal.


Let it snow.

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