Sunday, November 30, 2008

Holidailies 2008 - Updated!

It's official - Holidailies is up. Note I'm doing the Holidailies at Home - too lazy to post to the portal site. Right now, the main link to the HaH site isn't working, but once it is, you can go browse through other participants' blogs. Working now!

It is that time once again - time for that extravaganza of daily babbling posting known as Holidailies.

Actually, it isn't quite time. This year, instead of December 1st to January 1st, it appears to be running December 5th to January 6th, which would explain why I have no button or link, as the website doesn't have them up yet. But before I found that out, I got all worked up and excited, so I'm starting early and will probably still go through January 6th.

Extra babbling - aren't you lucky?

As with last year, I make no guarantees about the quality of the posting, only the quantity. Memes and quizzes will count as posts, if only because they reveal a bit more about me. I'm certainly open to suggestion; drop me a note in the comments on this post if you have any burning questions for me, or have a topic you'd like me to cover.

When I'm registered, I'll come back and put the button up on this post, so you can see who else is participating.

I'd better quit now - I'll need these words in December!

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