Oh dear.
They have rearranged the entire store, making it almost impossible to run in and out in a short amount of time. Most of what I needed was on the perimeter - strawberries, blueberries and other fruit, cream cheese, butter and yogurt, and the chicken legs that were on sale. I did need to make a sortie to the wilds of the interior, however, to find powdered sugar. That took longer than everything else. I meant to pick up some Barilla pasta - also on sale - but after checking the unit price (elbow macaroni on sale $1.25 per pound box, versus the two-pound box for $2.39) I changed my mind. Thank goodness the pasta display was near the end of the aisle.
Wonder of wonders, they had two checkouts open with real, live PEOPLE bagging your groceries. I hopped in one of the lines - the one with my favorite bagger, Elaine. She is slower than molasses (the checkout clerk bagged half my groceries herself while waiting for Elaine to clear the previous customer), but she is a real sweetie. Nothing I had would thaw during the wait.
The true draw at P & S was the sale on strawberries and blueberries. I'm providing the dessert for our lunch after church tomorrow, making my world-famous cream cheese torte (for which I see I've never posted the recipe - will remedy that sometime this weekend) which calls for some sort of berry topping. As it turns out, half of the ingredients I need for the torte were on sale this week - blessed "coincidence", huh?
Better finish putting everything away...
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