Friday, February 15, 2008

A bit of all that Updated!

  • Whatever snot is not currently rattling around in my chest is in my head - can't think clearly enough to do coherent posts, so this will have to do. Gah. Not exactly healthy, but not dead yet. At work, but not happy about it.
  • I took my two direct reports out to lunch today, more or less just because. They got to pick, and picked Cafe Lulu. While my tastebuds are temporarily impaired (see previous item), what I could taste of the East Indian Chicken Pita and home made chips was wonderful. The chips come with a bleu cheese sauce for dipping - heaven. While the web site doesn't say so, I hear they also do breakfast, at least on weekends. Have to get a group together to try it sometime. Preferably when I can taste.
  • As of midnight last night, the radio station I listen to transfered to new owners. The new owners are a non-profit funded entirely by donations, and as such, are commercial-free. They play the same contemporary Christian music the old station did; I couldn't tell any difference in the playlist at all. The big change is that the new station is syndicated - there is no local on-air staff. I can go elsewhere for local news and weather, but there is really nowhere else to go for the sense of community the old station created. The local dead-tree outlet did a nice story on the transition. Actually, there is a slight difference in playlists. The new station includes more rock than the old, and plays tracks off of CDs that may not have gotten much play as singles. Still liking it, so far.
  • It is supposed to snow - again - on Sunday. All day. Depending on which of the scaremongers weather people you listen to, we could have ten to thirteen inches, eight to ten inches or maybe six inches. They say it depends on the speed of the current system, and at what point Saturday night's rain turns to snow. I am confused: the low overnight tonight is supposed to be zero, then it will warm up enough to rain in the evening tomorrow, then cool down enough to snow all day Sunday? One thing is certain - whatever happens, the meteorologists have their backsides bases covered. Bah. One and a half inches of rain on Sunday, leaving deep puddles on top of the still snow-covered roads. Everything was ice this morning, and it is snowing - again - now. One to two inches, if you believe the forecast. Shoot me now.
  • I came home from work last night to find "Emergency - No Parking" signs stuck in the four foot high snowbanks on the east and north sides of the streets in my neighborhood. True, the side streets are difficult to navigate when cars are parked on both sides, but this move would have been more effective had it been done a week ago, when the city was still cleaning up after the eighteen inches from 2/6. There are no indications the city came through last night to clean up the un-parked-upon side of the street. They did come back with a plow and cut closer to the curb on that side, as eveidenced by the deep (now frozen) oversized tire tracks in that lane, and the rather trimmed snowbanks. But as a colleague noted, driving the side streets in West Allis is like driving a super-sized washboard.
  • Coffee with a friend early (7:30) tomorrow, reading in church on Sunday, and that's pretty much it for the weekend. The rest of the time I intend to camp out in the living room, swaddled in quilts, watching movies and sucking down chicken soup. I may even stay awake through one of the movies. I lied; I did not have to read Sunday. My brain is obviously also full of snot. I did make it to coffee, and had an interesting and delightful conversation with a friend, which may make it into a post later. Quick trip for supplies on the way home from that, then exactly what I planned: a whole lot of nothing. I'm not even sure how many movies I dozed through, but I know I saw parts of Driving Miss Daisy, Cinderella (Disney/Brandy version), John Q, Au Pair (both parts) and The Princess Diaries. I think I fell asleep in front of the family channel.

I need to figure out if I can sneak out early today. Physically, I'm fading fast; my mind, on the other hand, seems to be finally clear. Yesterday afternoon I was able to blaze through several cryptic crosswords, leaving only a couple of clues on each to come back to puzzle out.

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