Sunday, August 12, 2007

This and that weekend

It really is possible to get a lot done when you're rather trapped at home. The Fair traffic last weekend was the lightest I'd seen it in years; the last three days more than made up for it. Except for very early mornings forays to favorite coffee shops Saturday and Sunday, I've not left the house.

Which turned out to be a good thing, I think. I've been stalling on making (from nothing but a set of dimensions and my imagination) a Bible cover for a dear friend. About three weeks ago I sketched the basic design on the front of an old church bulletin; two weeks ago I wrote out more comprehensive directions for myself.

Amazingly, I have the 3" x 3" post-it note on the needed dimensions, as well as the church bulletin with the basic design. No clue where the better directions went. Sigh. That's what happens when you clean the sewing room. So Friday night it was back to the drawing board.

The calculations would have gone quicker, but I got caught up in the current Blockbuster Online offering: The Prestige. Set in Victorian England, it is the tale of two warring magicians (Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale). Because of the way the story is told, you are privy to both main characters' points of view. The sets and costumes are distinctly Victorian, but at the same time feel as if it could be modern day, without any obvious anachronisms. The twist at the end not only explains anything everything (I was seriously tired when I wrote this), but seriously creeps you out. Five quilting needles.

Several movies later, I'm pleased to say that the Bible cover is pretty much done. A little topstitching, the closure tab and a "handmade by" label and it will be ready to go. Pictures will eventually be taken and posted. In the meantime, you can take my word for it that it is gorgeous. Pam selected the fabrics from my stash; the only supply I needed to buy was velcro for the closing.

When I was tired of sewing, I'd grab a book and read for a bit. I'm done with the second of the two Martha Grimes pub mysteries from the library, and a fair bit into the Frank Lambert book on the founding fathers and the establishment clause.

Bits of cleaning, cooking and napping filled out the rest of the weekend. Naturally, it is still eighty-some degrees with high humidity, but it is supposed to cool a bit overnight. Next weekend should be wonderful - highs in the mid-seventies. I feel a road trip coming on.

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