Thursday, May 17, 2007

Season-ending T-3

I think my brain can handle playing along this week - from Terry:

Yes, it’s time once more for the cast, crew, and writers to take a
well-deserved summer hiatus, but before everyone clears out, they’ve left you
with a THRILLING, ACTION-PACKED edition of the Axis of Weevil Thursday

Okay, it’s not thrilling.

Nor particularly action-packed.

In fact, there’s really not much of a theme. But that’s what you
get when you assemble your program from stuff you find wadded up in the trash
But it’s the only thing we got, SO--

1) If you could hang out with a famous living person for a day, who
would it be, and why?
2) What sort of plans do you have for summer vacation?
3) Blake or Jordin?

1. It would depend on how you define "famous". Like Marc, I'm still a "W" fan and wouldn't mind hanging out with our Prez for a day. He probably could use some encouragement about now.

It could be a lot of fun to hang out with Lawdog, although I'm torn between having him cook Felony Chicken and tell stories, or doing a ride-along to see him in action.

Terry, in his responses to the T3, mentions hanging with Paul Newman during racing season...Newman is phasing himself out of Newman-Haas Racing, and hasn't been at many events the last couple years. I think Terry just wants to see the grid girls. Me, I'd hang out with Bruno, and try to pick up some driving tips.

And finally, I wouldn't mind hanging out for the day with Rachael Ray, although by the end of the day not only would I be stuffed full of food, my ears would be bleeding...that woman can talk faster than almost anyone I know.

2. Hah! I was long-winded in #1 due to lack of content for the last two questions. I'm on vacation for a week at the end of May, and then off every Monday in June (use it or lose it by 6/30/07). What am I doing? Watch this space...I plan to do a whole lot of nothin'. Sitting on the beach (wrapped in my heaviest coat with two blankets on my legs and warm gloves - this is Wisconsin, after all) and reading a book cover to cover. Driving into the country and stopping at every farm stand I see. Cooking all that bounty, and calling everyone I know to see who is free for dinner. Sleeping later than 5:45 a.m. Heaven.

3. Who?

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