Friday, November 29, 2013

Light my fire

Or at least turn the heat back on.

Furnace guy came this morning, 8:30 sharp. Not my usual tech, who must have the day off. Anyway, he hauled in two loads of equipment and started in.

Five minutes later he asked if I had the day off, and if I had plans. It turns out he left a couple of crucial tools back in the trunk of his car (at the shop) and needed to go get them. No prob, I only plan to clean and putter in the studio.

The only issue I didn't foresee is that he had cycled the unit off to do what he was doing, and didn't turn it back on before he left.

Baby, it's getting really cold inside.

Yay, he's back...and he forgot his clipboard in the car.

Can men have peri menopausal forgetfulness?

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