Wednesday, July 11, 2007

You have to love it.

Last week Tues, the PTB decided we had to do an "emergency" database upgrade. We can view our pay stubs on-line, in lieu of having a paper copy delivered to us, and for the last couple of months, we have had intermittent issues with them not displaying. We have been pushing strongly encouraging people to go paperless; it could be fairly embarrassing were it not to work. Our wonderful software vendor (who shall remain nameless except to say they may have something to do with this post of Terry's) said, "Oh! We have a patch for that! Or you can upgrade your database!"

As I said, the PTB decided on the upgrade, forgetting that every time the database is upgraded, our query tool goes a little insane. In short, it cannot access the database.

Almost everything I do from now until Christmas - year end closing reconciliations, info for two tax returns and six federal loan reports - is run off of that query tool.

Naturally, we also have issues with the version of the query software we are using, the fact that it isn't supported by one company anymore, and we are in a time crunch to get it done.

I am actually a little optimistic about it getting fixed; the PTB themselves really, really need to have this working as well, as a great deal of their number crunching starts with these queries as well.

Never, ever let anyone tell you accounting is not exciting.

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