Friday, July 13, 2007

The end of a very long week

Highlights -

  • It's super hectic at work - we're in the middle of the worst weeks of the year as we try to get everything booked and closed before the soul-sucking anal-retentive locusts auditors show up the last Monday in July.
  • The database upgrade that blew up the much-needed query tool earlier in the week was rolled back in the test environment, and our wonderful IT guys figured out was wrong - it was fixed mid-morning the next day in production (maybe I should bake them brownies in the new oven).
  • A co-worker was let go - a bit of a shock. We're in a very hard to read environment right now; this termination has everyone a bit more on edge than is usual even for year-end.
  • Due to a number of things (some work, some other) I haven't slept well or much all week. The up side of this is that I've been having some rather unusual dreams.
  • The workbook for the new Bible study is wonderful. While the group is huge - twenty-one women if they all show up - people are already opening up and participating. Grace is a phenomenal leader.
  • I've decided to do a major declutter operation, selling most things at a rummage sale in September sometime. What makes this different is that I think I've decided to sell some of the quilts I have on hand. I'm tired of some of them, and if they can bless someone else I'm all for it. There are a few half-finished projects I'd like to finish by then as well, and put up for sale. Pricing them will be difficult; even at cost of materials only, they may not sell.
  • Other than four cans of tuna, a jar of hot salsa, a stack of corn tortillas and a shelf full of condiments, the larder is rather bare. I've been too busy and/or too tired to go to the store.
  • I saw a peacock on the way to work one morning. :^)
  • I didn't see the peacock on the way home that night, but I also didn't see peacock feathers strewn all over the roadway.

It is ten to six, and I'm more than ready to just fall into bed. Instead, I'm going to find one of those unfinished projects that doesn't need a lot of brain power, and putz around for a bit, to try to unwind.

After I put a pan of muffins in the oven, that is.

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