Tuesday, December 05, 2006


This week is filled with tons of work and non-work Christmasy goodness, so this is a quick one.

My toes are still missing, as it hasn't yet warmed past 30. It was all of 8 degrees when I left the house this morning, and yet there was still someone out there riding his/her bike.

I finally started the Christmas decorating last night. Note that the fourth of July bench that came in off the porch just before Fridays snowfall is still sitting in the foyer (hey, at least it's inside)...At the moment all I've done is take down most of the fall things, and move the elliptical into the bedroom from the dining room. It's a start.

My office is filled with the donated baskets for the silent auction we are having as part of the work party next Thursday. I could hole up for weeks in here with the liquor/hot chocolate/tea/wine/munchies in these baskets. Not quite sure what I'd do with the car care basket - maybe polish the filing cabinets? It's encouraging to see people give so generously. Now, we need to hope they are willing to bid generously as well.

Only fourteen more work days until two weeks off! The University is closing (with pay!)for the entire Christmas week, and I took the week after as well. I usually take both weeks anyway, but the University closing saved me two days of vacation time I would have used otherwise. Anyone in the neighborhood of Milwaukee from 12/23 to 1/7/07 is welcome to stop in for coffee.

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