Thursday, March 30, 2006

Chain gang T3

Via Terry at Possumblog:

THIS WEEK'S thrilling set of questions comes to us via known restaurant-haunter, Dr. Jimbo Smith, who wants all of you to please take a seat and answer the following three questions:

1. What is your favorite chain restaurant? Appleby's, but not for the food. Their Perfect Margarita makes anything taste good. I suppose I should like it better, since they serve Weight Watcher-friendly menu items. Olive Garden ranks up there, if the company is right and the wait isn't more than ten minutes. The food and waitstaff at P.F. Changs are phenomenal, but the restaurant itself is extremely noisy.

2. What is your least favorite chain restaurant? I'm not overly fond of Perkins. Every one I've been to has slow service, overpriced food and bitter coffee.

3. What chain do you wish was in your town, or at least a little closer to you? We're a big enough city to have most everything. I do, however, miss the local Village Inn. There may still be one somewhere in the city, but I'm not sure where. Breakfast is by far my favorite meal to eat out, and theirs was pretty good.

Dang. Once again, I'm hungry.

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