Thursday, September 27, 2012

You really can't make this stuff up

From the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, regarding an audit they conducted of federal agencies' compliance with payroll reporting:

Federal agencies are exempt from paying Federal income taxes; however, they are not exempt from meeting their employment tax deposits and related reporting requirements. As of December 31, 2011, 70 Federal agencies with 126 delinquent tax accounts owed approximately $14 million in unpaid taxes. In addition, 18 Federal agencies had not filed or were delinquent in filing 39 employment tax returns. Federal agencies should be held to the same filing and paying standards as all American taxpayers.

Ooookay - It's bad enough my own tax dollars (duly withheld and deposited in a timely manner by my employer) are going to support all these myriad and often redundant federal agencies, but the agencies themselves ignore the rules? And any penalties and interest owned because of the deliquencies will also be paid with my tax dollars.

Fourteen million dollars.

"Federal agencies should be held to the same filing and paying standards as all American taxpayers."


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