Sunday, April 15, 2012

Already Sunday evening?

When you work late Friday and then work a half day on Saturday, the weekends go quickly. Especially if there were a couple of naps (planned and unplanned) tucked in there, along with a largely sleepless Saturday night (went to bed late, thunderstorms, loud birds, early morning).

Still, I managed to get the baking challenge done for this Tuesday's Baking with Julia challenge. The leftovers are wrapped up to be taken to work. I'm starting to enjoy baking, but I can't keep the finished products around the house. Some paperwork needed for the property tax assessment committee has been located and a few other small tasks completed.

Dinner tonight was tuna casserole, spiced up with some minced celery and onion, as well as a crumb and cheese topping. Living high, here. What, if anything, do you put in your tuna casserole? Please don't tell me you never make it; it follows macaroni and cheese as the ultimate comfort food.

The thunderstorms last night were noisy, with heavy rain, but no true severe weather. The skies opened up this afternoon for a little while, too. It's mid-April, and even I'm beginning to think we may be done with snow for the year. Though I should point out that the forecast has the daily highs progressively lowering throughout this week. Better keep the cover on the patio set for another week.

I am hoping to take a long weekend next week, planning to do a whole lot of nothing. There are a number of non-work things pressing on me just now, wearing away at the little bits of me that aren't focusing on work. In addition to catching up on sleep, laundry and cleaning I need time to decompress and think. We'll see if it actually happens.

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