Saturday, October 07, 2006

Java Jive

Did I mention that I broke my coffeemaker's carafe a couple of weeks ago? About twenty minutes before a group of caffeine-starved women were due to show up on my doorstep for a 7:30 a.m. Bible study. A friend bailed me out, so disaster was averted.

It didn't bother me much, as our local Ace Hardware is a treasure trove of replacement parts. If I remember correctly, the carafe I broke was itself a replacement. What I forgot to factor in was age; Ace does carry replacement pots for Krups coffeemakers, but no longer for my model. Hmpf. What do you mean, small electrics aren't supposed to last for almost fifteen years?

The coffeemaker is used mainly when company comes over (I have an espresso maker - long story - and if I make something just for me, it's most likely a latte) so it didn't have to be too fancy. But something cheerful would be nice.

I ended up with this.

The buttercup color (not to be confused with Princess Buttercup) is just a bit darker and brighter than the kitchen walls. It's programable, and has that wonderful sneak-a-cup feature. The first pot of water has run through to clean it out, so I'm ready to make a test pot.

If I post again around midnight, you'll know I used the wrong coffee...

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