Monday, December 19, 2005

Reindeer games & God moments

In a fit of insanity three years ago, I wrapped all my gifts to my family in bags like this.

This year our office is having a white elephant gift exchange. I had the bright idea of making another reindeer bag - the better to convince a gullible coworker that an object of great value lurked within.
So... as I searched through my button stash tonight I realized I not only didn't have matching black buttons large enough for eyes, but could not for the life of me remember where I had put the unused quilt project buttons that I planned to use for the nose. It looked like Rudolph would have brown eyes and a heart-shaped button nose that said "Noel". Sigh.
As I pulled the bag with the twigs out of the closet, I realized I had a second bag of twigs. "May as well consolidate these." I thought.
Enter God.
Inside the bag with the twigs were two mostly complete reindeer bags and enough red buttons to outfit Rudolph's family for several generations.
Coincidence? No. Rather, an example of how God cares for even the insignificant things in our lives. Making another bag - no matter how goofy looking due to lack of supplies - would not have been a hardship. But how much better to be surprised by God's grace, His gift of extra moments tonight to read His Word and pray for friends who are facing a difficult task tomorrow. It's a great reminder that He wants a relationship with me, and that includes hanging out with me when I'm going a bit crazy in this busy season. Let Me help, He says, Let Me reorder your priorities to Mine.
Father, thank You so much for caring for me and looking out in all the details of my life. Help me to see Your hand at work in the "little" areas of my life as well as in the big. Let me always be conscious of and grateful for the multitude of ways You show your watchcare for me each day. In Jesus' name, Amen

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